nomadic & timeless journey
unique destination
IT LOOKS JUST LIKE OLD NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC PHOTOGRAPHS. Seeing a long horse caravan snaking through the beautiful wilderness of a mountain landscape, a reincarnation of travels of yore, as practiced by early twentieth century explorers such as botanist Joseph Rock, Tibetologist Jacques Bacot, or Louis Liotard he unfortunate geographer who gave our caravans his name. Every night, the team opens leather chests and canvas bags filled with tents, carpets, safari seats, candelabras, petrol lamps, silverware, food and drinks… Around a lively fire, experience the art of camping in legendary Bell tents, where comfort and aesthetics fit perfectly with the amazing surroundings.
Premium or Light Caravan, four days and three nights from the Ferme Liotard to the majestic Abudje lake, or longer and more adventurous Exploration caravans that take you to three possible unique destinations : Nizhu, the forgotten village ; Yading the approach ; and Yading the pilgrimage.
premium caravan
elegance & comfort
BE PART, of expedition with all the comfort you need to fully enjoy this unique experience to the foothills of the Himalayas. The Premium Caravan is the epitome of our caravans.

light caravan
simplicity & adventure
FEEL LIKE AN ADVENTURER of the last century followed by a caravan of horses on the legendary Tea Road. It is the same route as the Premium Caravan but a more family-friendly and affordable format.

exploration caravane
The art of fugue
LEAVE, in the region of Kham towards mythical routes discovered by our team, through incredible landscapes dominated by sacred mountains, in the company of Tibetans preserving their ancestral traditions.